Strategic Projects
buildingSMART International (bSI) is delighted to launch its Strategic Projects to support the built environment with the standards and services it needs to make the industry more consistent, productive and sustainable. Here, you will find an outline of the scope of work and ways in which you can get involved in a Strategic Project(s) that might impact and benefit you or your business.
buildingSMART International (bSI) は、業界の整合性、生産性、持続可能性を高めるために必要な標準とサービスを提供し、建築環境をサポートするための戦略プロジェクトに着手します。この中では、作業の範囲の概要と、あなたやあなたのビジネスに影響を与え、利益をもたらす可能性のある戦略プロジェクトへの関与方法について説明します。
Advancing openBIM
Successful adoption of openBIM within an organisation rests on three components, which bSI supports as follows:
1. Foundational standards and services – the existence of core global standards and services that underpin all openBIM workflows. bSI leads and manages the creation of these foundational standards and services through our Strategic Projects, using funding provided by our members.
2. Domain-focused activities – the customization of those core standards and services to meet the specific needs of relevant industry sectors. We facilitate collaboration amongst interested Members, who come together and sponsor Domain Projects to customize standards and services to meet sector requirements.
3. Global adoption and use – the adjustment of local organisational processes and capabilities to support the use of these standards and services. We provide targeted support to individual organisations through our Accelerator Program to help their adoption of openBIM workflows.
1. 基本的な標準とサービス:すべてのopenBIMワークフローを支える基本的なグローバル標準とサービスの存在が重要です。bSIは、メンバーから提供された資金を活用し、Strategic Projects(戦略プロジェクト)を通じて、これらの基礎となる標準とサービスの作成を主導・管理しています。
2. 活動分野に焦点を当てた活動:bSIは、関連する産業セクターの特定のニーズを満たすために、これらのコア標準とサービスのカスタマイズをサポートします。関心のあるメンバーが協力し集まり、活動分野の要件を満たすために標準とサービスをカスタマイズするためのDomain Projects(ドメインプロジェクト)をスポンサーする場を提供します。
3. グローバルな採用と使用:これらの標準とサービスの使用をサポートするための、ローカル組織プロセスと機能の調整をします。bSIは、openBIMワークフローの導入を支援するAccelerator Program(アクセラレータープログラム)を通じて、個々の組織にターゲットを絞ったサポートを提供しています。
This relationship is depicted in the diagram below.
What has Changed?
In the past bSI has relied on individual Domains to lead the development of new foundational standards and services, on behalf of the whole buildingSMART community. However, this model is no longer sufficient to meet the challenges of the future, which require bSI to delivery a wider range of standards and services, in a shorter timescale. There is also a growing expectation that standards and services should be entirely fit for purpose and to an excellent quality level on their first release to industry. For this reason bSI has launched the Strategic Projects initiative, to develop the key standards and services needed by all sectors of the built environment, in accordance with the priorities set out in our Strategic Roadmap.
Funding Strategic Projects
As with all our activities as a non-profit organisation, our ability to deliver these Strategic Projects rests entirely on the support from generous members and sponsors. We are therefore seeking funding from interested organisations for each of these projects, to help us accelerate their delivery and provide industry with the seamless, trusted open data workflows that are demanded and needed. The following nine Strategic Projects have been identified.
How to get Involved
Arrange a 1-1 conversation with bSI to discuss how you can get involved or invest, by emailing us.
- Discuss with bSI how we can align Strategic Projects plans to your business needs, through prioritisation of key developments and features.
- Agree optimum funding profiles based on your needs and business cycles. We can even work with you to help invest surplus 2023 funds into these Projects, to deliver enduring benefit for your business.
- Strengthen your brand awareness and personal recognition through communication of your investment in these critical, industry-shaping Projects.
- 戦略プロジェクトの計画を貴社のビジネスニーズに合わせる方法について、bSIと協議し、主要な開発と機能の優先順位付けを通じて調整いたします。
- 貴社のニーズと事業サイクルに基づいて最適な資金調達方法を選択できるように支援します。また、2023年の余剰資金を活用して、貴社の事業に長期的かつ持続的な利益をもたらすプロジェクトへの投資もサポートできます。
- これらの重要な戦略的プロジェクトへの投資をコミュニケーションすることで、貴社のブランド認知度と個人的な認知度を高めることができます。
Find out more about each Strategic Project, their alignment with your business needs and the funding requirements, through summary information on our website.
You can also register here for a series of webinars on each Project, starting with Professional Certification and a combined webinar on IFC Validation Service + Software Certification.
Kind regards,
Clive Billiald
buildingSMART International